In the realm of anime brilliance, Demon Slayer stands tall as a modern masterpiece, enchanting audiences worldwide with its captivating narrative and stunning animation. Originally a manga series by Koyoharu Gotouge, ‘Demon Slayer’ soared to new heights when it made its anime debut.
The character designs, including the iconic hanafuda earrings worn by certain characters, hold deeper symbolism. Hanafuda is a traditional Japanese card game, and the earrings represent the characters’ commitment to their mission.
Now, dear fans, it’s your time to shine! Prove your allegiance to the Demon Slayer Corps by participating in our exclusive ‘Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba’ quiz. Test your knowledge on the characters, breathing techniques, and the intricate details that make this series a true gem.
Keeping this in mind, we have designed a series quiz of 10 question for the global fans of the show, hit the play button & share it with your friends.