Netflix flagship series Stranger Things is a science fiction drama centers on mysterious and supernatural events. Starting in the year 2016, the show has 5 seasons and has attracted record viewership on the streaming platform. The show has received many nominations and awards including Primetime Emmy award and Golden Globe award.
Gaten Matarazzo, Sadie Sink and Caleb McLaughlin knew each other before filming the show.
Watch AgainArrayThe show is created by twin brothers Matt and Ross Duffer who also worked on M. Night Shyamalan’s Wayward Pines before writing a script based on the premise. The series will take you to a rollercoaster ride of emotions where one can get scared, and can laugh also, music is so upbeat and setting was vibrant.
If you’re feeling about the series is mutual then we challenge you to try Stranger Things Quiz, link is below and let us know what you scored. The quiz would become even more interesting when you invited your friends also to complete.
Rating status as on 30th August 2022
Rumors surrounding “Stranger Things” Season 5