A Suitable Boy Quiz

Welcome to your A Suitable Boy Quiz

Whether you are just a boy or a suitable boy or any extraordinary person, this quiz is for all.


    1. This quiz has 10 questions, and the time limit is 1 minute.
    2. Each question has 3 options and one of them is correct answer
    3. The right answer will be displayed after the quiz ends.


Good Luck!

Who wrote the original novel "A Suitable Boy" on which the web series is based?

Who directed most of the episode of the series?

Who plays the lead role of Lata Mehra in "A Suitable Boy"?

What is the name of the fictional city in which the series is set?

Who plays the character of Maan Kapoor in the series?

Who was Lata's sister, Savita married to?

What is the occupation of Mahesh Kapoor in the series "A Suitable Boy"?

Which actor played the role of courtesan Saeeda Bai in the series?

Which sport is played by Kabir, the love interest of Lata in the series "A Suitable Boy"?

What was the real relation between Tasneem and Firoz in the series "A Suitable Boy"?

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