The web series revolves around the life of four friends who quit their well-settled jobs and uncomfortable lifestyles to develop their own start-up company. They face a chain of multiple challenges in their journey. This is a kind of series which relaxes a part of you by its fun and amazing story line and influences another part of you to think about your own future. It includes some very amazing dialogues that can be a guide and friend during times of difficulty and uneasiness.
The series features the immensely talented Naveen Kasturia, Arunabh Kumar, Jitendra Kumar and Abhay Mahajan as the main leads. This series is directed by Amit Golani, created by TVF and developed by Arunabh kumar. Season 1 consists of 5 episodes and has aired on TVF play platform but now it can also be seen at MX Player. The die hard fans are now eagerly waiting for season 2.
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Hope season 2 starts soon